
When I found out I was expecting my first child, I knew I had to save as much money as I could, so I switched my insurance policy to one that offered a very low rate. I really didn't look into what it covered, but just the price. Soon after, I accidentally backed into another car in a parking lot, and my trunk was badly dented. I called my auto insurance company right away, and they told me that my policy was "liability" only and didn't pay for my vehicle damage. They also told me that if I was injured in an accident, the policy wouldn't cover that either! I switched policies right away. I learned a hard lesson that day, and I decided to start a blog to share my story and offer other auto insurance tips I have learned over the years since!

Keeping Your Teen’s Car Insurance At A Minimum Cost

14 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your teenager recently took their driver's exam and passed after their road test, they are most likely excited at the prospect in heading out onto the road, legally. You will be required to provide car insurance for your teen driver before they are able to take a vehicle out of your driveway. Getting insurance for a teen driver is often an anxiety-ridden time for the parents of a new driver because of the cost associated with it. Read More …

Three Reasons To Get Collision And Comprehensive Insurance For Your Car

28 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Deciding on how much coverage to get for your car can be a difficult process. Of course, each state will have minimum requirements for liability and property damage. This is protection for the damage you do to another car and any injuries to people. But what can be tricky is in knowing how much of the optional insurance you should buy. Most of this insurance falls under the category of collision and comprehensive insurance. Read More …

About Me
Always Choose Your Auto Insurance Policy Carefully

When I found out I was expecting my first child, I knew I had to save as much money as I could, so I switched my insurance policy to one that offered a very low rate. I really didn't look into what it covered, but just the price. Soon after, I accidentally backed into another car in a parking lot, and my trunk was badly dented. I called my auto insurance company right away, and they told me that my policy was "liability" only and didn't pay for my vehicle damage. They also told me that if I was injured in an accident, the policy wouldn't cover that either! I switched policies right away. I learned a hard lesson that day, and I decided to start a blog to share my story and offer other auto insurance tips I have learned over the years since!
